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Ramen-ya Toy・Box(East Nippori)

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Walking from Minowa station for 3 minutes.
I visited before 20 o’clock on Friday.


The weather was rainy and it was late at night,but there were 4 people lined up.I took 15 minutes to enter.The distorted L-shaped counter is installed in the store.


Tokusei Syouyu Ramen

Soup:The clear soup is mixed stock made by chiken and soysouce.The surface is coveresd by chiken oil.
Noodles:The thin and flat straight noodle.
Toppings:Roasted pork,Roasted chken,Wonton,Seasoned boiled egg,Tip bamboo shoots,Onion

The taste of soup is abundant and rich.The noodle is fine-grained,but it has the storong flour flaver.FUrthermore going down smoothly.The toppings are voluminous,because Tokusei means special topping.The methoed of cooking is very polite.So the ramen has the original taste and good mouthfeeling.It was the satisfying ramen.

Information ※Need to confirm
Address:Higashi-nippori 1-1-3,Arakawa-ku,Tokyo
Opening hour:11:00-15:00/18:00-21:00,Sun National holiday 11:00-15:00